Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Japan’s Open Air markets

Japan’s open Air markets are vibrant, bustling areas that sell all sorts of consumer perishables as well as shoes and apparel. In many of them you can find everything from discounted jeans to seaweed, hair gel to T-shirts but the one’s that are my favorite to go to have seafood…and I mean fish and sea creatures of all varieties – many of which I never knew existed. I remember in our first trip to Japan, we spent the first day in Kyoto.  I was amazed by the shopping streets that were lined with what seemed like hundreds of shops.  There were various kinds of fresh and processed foods such as pickles, Japanese sweets, dried food, sushi, fresh vegetables and of course the seafood.  We even went into a mochi shop that had so many varieties I couldn’t believe there were that many types to choose from.  They offered tea while you tasted the mochi samples and (as part of the ultimate plan) finally succumb to buying some delicious version that you just can’t seem to live without.

The market is a great place to feel the pulse of working-class Japan and to pick up some inexpensive and unusual items as well as the evening dinner and desert.  I find these areas fascinating and food for your eyes not just your stomach.  

Here's a pic of me and one of Cliff as we each stand at one of the many markets found in Tokyo.  I'll post a few more photos as I find them. :-)

Here are a few pics to show you close ups of some of the foods we saw.

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