Monday, May 24, 2010

I miss Japan - Here's why

It is over a year since I started this blog and I really miss Japan. So one way to feel more connected is to share some more images and thoughts from our trip from last year. So I thought I would pick photos of some highlights that clearly remind you "I'm in Japan".  I will return to talking more about the trip (thank goodness that I wrote in a journal) but here are some views of the overall wonder of our visit and the things that are so clearly Japanese (and what we love about this country and culture).

We found this adorable kitty on the sidewalk in Osaka.  Hello Kitty!

And one of the many bicycles that are typically compact and convenient. Kind of hard to
believe anyone really rides this thing. :-)

Beautifully displayed fruit in the basement of the Dairamu Department Store.  Look at the
perfection. These melons and oranges are unbelievably perfect.  They cost a pretty yen too!
Can you of those melons is 3990 yen which is the equivalent of about $44.  Wow!

And here for something totally different is the Tori gate at the location of the Itsukushima Shrine
in Takayama.  This whole area is breathtaking and I would love to go back there again.
I will talk more about this part of the trip in a separate installment.  It is worth it!

And lastly, strawberry mochi.  This is so good.  Mochi as you already know is a wonderful
confection of Japan.  I'll be posting our adventure in making Mochi with the Asakawa family.
That was so fun and what a treat.

I hope you enjoyed a little taste of what makes Japan so unique. 
I really miss Japan.  Now you know why. :-)

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